YES: The End of Summer

My family's leaving for Lake George on Sunday for a nice 6-day trip in the Adirondacks. Well, more like a 4-day trip. Two days are spent driving. Of course, I won't be able to post at all until I get back, but when I do get home I hope to have plently of pictures. (= You might remember Lake George from here. That was last summer. I hope my photos will be better since I have a much nicer camera this year.

And I have two more pictures right here. I forgot to put them up yesterday. I guess you could say I was just experimenting, but I happen to like how they turned out. Something about the leaves against the dark background reminds me of the jungle, lol!

Yeah, so if I don't take any more pictures tomorrow (I probably wont'), this'll be my last update until Friday. Yep. Have a great week!
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