Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lake George

A lot of people see vacation as lounging on some exotic beach, sipping drinks from fancy martini glasses (complete with umbrella!), and watching the sun set over the ocean. What some people fail to realize is that you don't need to go to Hawaii or Barbados to see beautiful things. You also don't need to spend ridiculous amounts of money, either. With my family, I drove upstate New York to the Adirondack mountains, and let me tell you, watching the sunset over the mountains is just as beautiful as watching one over the ocean. I have proof.

And those exotic flowers. Who needs 'em? We have our own beauties right here in the US. It doesn't take an expensive plane ticket to find beautiful things in nature. Remember that, folks. There were such lovely flowers where we were staying, I didn't know which ones to photograph first! There were sunflowers, daisies, roses, flowers I don't know the names of... It was wonderful. And then there was a gorgeous forest in the back. I had a great time exploring, climbing on fallen trees, and, of course, taking pictures.
I didn't want just any plain old forest picture, so I experimented a bit by using a longer exposure and turning the camera in a half-circle. The result you can see on the left.

I have a ton more photos, but I just haven't gotten around to posting them just yet. I'll have plenty more in the next few days, I promise. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These pics are beautiful! some more!!

5:28 PM  

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