So I took some more pictures using a film camera. It was my dad's old camera, a Canon AE-1, I think. I'm actually really happy with some of the pictures I got, even though it cost a fortune to have them developed. (Thanks again, Dad.)
This book is one of my favorites, and anyone who's seen the musical The Phantom of the Opera should read the book. That's all I have to say about this picture, lol.

I know chairs aren't all that interesting, but personally I think the picture turned out pretty well, considering it was the second picture I took with the camera. (:
This picture was taking just before the previous one. It was the first picture I ever took with my dad's camera. I really like how the colors came out, and the depth of field on a film SLR is by far better than on my camera. I'd better not get used to using film, or I'll be hooked!
This picture is of one of the many bouquets we've had in the
dining room. I know the colors aren't exactly true to life, but I like how they look. Of course, I didn't develop the pictures myself, so maybe if I had the colors would have turned out differently.
This picture was taken in my backyard, of course. I was really surprised at how rich the colors are. It's so different than with a digital camera. Of course, there was some quality lost when the picture was transferred to the computer, but even still the colors are fabulous.
I love how both of these pictures turned out. I don't think I've every capture my dog's expressions better. Maybe I'm just seeing the light, finally realizing that film
photography might actually be better! Lol.
I never was sure what these were called. Silver dollars, maybe? I don't know. Whatever they are, they're very beautiful, albeit a little weird looking. And then comes the necessary rose picture. I think
this was our last rose of the year. It was last month, but still... Do roses bloom that late?
My pug, of course. He was very obedient and cooperative with all of my picture taking. Of course, the sound of the shutter was a bit louder than he's used to and almost made him jump out of his skin once or twice, but overall he was a good model. (:

And here's my last picture. A glass of soda. It's amazing how extraoridinary this picture looks, even though the subject is, well, ordinary.

I know chairs aren't all that interesting, but personally I think the picture turned out pretty well, considering it was the second picture I took with the camera. (:

This picture is of one of the many bouquets we've had in the

And here's my last picture. A glass of soda. It's amazing how extraoridinary this picture looks, even though the subject is, well, ordinary.
I definitely love the "book" and "candle" photo with the "glass of soda" a close third.
A big difference with film as opposed to Do keep in mind that the "resolution" of film is still so much greater than digital (though such a comparison is difficult to make because film is more of a continuous medium whereas digital is, well, discrete, i.e., non-continuous) that you might need more than a 10 megapixel camera to approach some of the quality you get with film.
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